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Do you sweat too much? Learn 5 Ways You Can Reduce Too Much Sweat

Sweating is an inevitable physiological reaction that almost every human being will pass through. Some people however tend to sweat much more than others either as a result of the type of environment they find themselves in or because of the kind of habits they employ.

While sweating is a good thing because it shows your system is in good condition, sweating too much might make you be that guy in the office that everyone avoids because you smell like stale clothes.

If you happen to live in a part of the world (case in point Nigeria) where the weather is hot most of the year, there are a number of Continue reading “Do you sweat too much? Learn 5 Ways You Can Reduce Too Much Sweat”



1) Clears Skin.The Vitamin C component as well as other antioxidants will help you decrease wrinkles and blemishes and it helps to combat free radical damage. Vitamin C is vital for healthy glowing skin while its alkaline nature kills bacteria known to cause acne. It can actually be applied directly to scars or age spots to help reduce their appearance. Since lemon water cleanses your blood off toxins, it would also be helping to keep your skin clear of blemishes from the inside out. The vitamin C contained in the lemon rejuvenates the skin from within your body. Continue reading “NINE BENEFITS OF DRINKING LEMON WATER”


Woman squeezing pimple

Pimples affect the skin of majority of teenagers and a significant number of adults too! Some individuals are lucky and have occasional breakouts while others may experience continuous chronic problems. The presence of pimples on the skin, especially the face, may cause anxiety and embarrassment(hate to admit,but i have gone through that before)

Treating pimples promptly can also help overcome its emotional and psychological effects. Although pimples are not in themselves bad for overall health, living with them, especially if they are persistent and become a long-term problem can be as devastating emotionally as living with a chronic disease.

So you want to know how to get rid of that pimples? Here is wath  i did to get rid of mine

Self-help pimple treatments

A diet high in dairy products and high glycemic index foods increases the risk of developing pimples.Using medical nutrition therapy may help reduce the number and severity of acne outbreaks. Continue reading “YOU WANT TO GET RID OF THAT PIMPLES? HERE IS HOW I GOT RID OF MINE (part 1)”

Having pot belly?… Learn how to reduce it.


Experts have shared the very quick and simple ways you can achieve a flatter stomach which will not take you up to 15 minutes

Pop some charcoal

One of the quickest ways to beat the bloat is to take charcoal tablets. This is because charcoal, say practitioners, has powerful absorption properties and the ability to soak up gases, small particles of toxins and bacteria found in the large intestine that can lead to bloating.

Scientific research already proves that charcoal tablets are excellent for treating food poisoning. They are also commonly used in hospitals for treating diarrhoea.

Eating charcoal absorbs these gases, reduces the size of the large intestine and deflate the stomach, you can do this by taking two tablet

Sip raw apple cider vinegar   Continue reading “Having pot belly?… Learn how to reduce it.”

Inverted nipples, sagging and asymmetry: The most common breast imperfections and how to fix them

From a young age, we’re taught that breasts come in all shapes and sizes and that when it comes to boobs, the notion of normal doesn’t necessarily exist.

However for some of us, certain things we see as imperfections have left us concerned, embarrassed and unwilling to expose ourselves even to those closest to us.

Here Mr Adrian Richards, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at The Private Clinic of Harley Street, discusses some of the most common concerns women have about their breasts – and how to solve them.

Certain things that we see as imperfections have left us concerned and embarrassed

Certain things that we see as imperfections have left us concerned and embarrassed


What is it? Continue reading “Inverted nipples, sagging and asymmetry: The most common breast imperfections and how to fix them”

How to eat right for your AGE: What women need to consume every decade from the teenage years until after the menopause

Nutritionist Ella Allred reveals what you should be eating to benefit your body at different stages of your life. Picture posed by model

It’s no surprise that our eating habits change as we get older as our palates become more sophisticated or as we’re introduced to new flavours over the years.

But are you eating the right food that provides the necessary vitamins and minerals for your body at each stage of your life?

Ella Allred, nutritionist at revelead what ingredients we should be consuming to ensure we’re getting the nutrients we need during every decade.  Continue reading “How to eat right for your AGE: What women need to consume every decade from the teenage years until after the menopause”

Experts have revealed surprising foods that can cause bloated stomachs

With summer well and truly upon us, thoughts are turning to sculpting our bodies for the beach.

But no matter how many vegetables people may consume, many struggle to get the flat stomach of their dreams.

According to experts, it could, in fact, be your healthy diet that’s to blame.

Can't get a flat stomach? Then ditch the surprising foods that are making you bloat including broccoli, milk and edamame beans, say experts

Can’t get a flat stomach? Then ditch the surprising foods that are making you bloat including broccoli, milk and edamame beans, say experts

According to nutritionists, foods such as broccoli and edamame beans can cause stomachs to inflate.

Three top nutritionists have listed a series of foods – many unlikely – to avoid if you want to keep your tummy flat. 

Raw vegetables

Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at (the online shopping destination for all things health and wellbeing), explains that the human body finds it difficult to break down a number of fibres and sugars found in some foods that are generally considered healthy.  Continue reading “Experts have revealed surprising foods that can cause bloated stomachs”

Beware of These Food, Never Put Them Inside fridge.

The warmer weather may make it tempting to keep your food as fresh as possible but putting bread, tomatoes and even cake in the fridge is a bad idea, according to experts.

Not only does it fail to make some foods last longer but can even ruin the taste of others such as coffee, the new guide warns.

And if particularly pungent items such as onions are stored there, it can affect other items already in the fridge, says the advice from the Good Housekeeping Institute.

Experts have warned that foods including tomatoes fare better in the cupboard than the fridge

So what are the nine things that should not be kept there and why? Here’s the rundown:

1. Bread It dries and goes stale faster in an airless fridge than in the bread bin. To keep it fresher for longer, use a bread bag in a cool, dry, place.

A loaf of bread dries and goes stale faster in an airless fridge than in the bread bin, according to experts at the GHI. To keep it fresher for longer, use a bread bag in a cool, dry, place

A loaf of bread dries and goes stale faster in an airless fridge than in the bread bin, according to experts at the GHI. To keep it fresher for longer, use a bread bag in a cool, dry, place

2. Onions Ditch the salad draw and pick a dry, ventilated area and keep it dark to avoid them sprouting. In the fridge, their aroma can taint other foods.

3. Garlic Also needs to be kept in a dry, ventilated area to last longer. The fridge does nothing to help it stay fresh for longer.

4. Avocados Best kept in open brown bags if you don’t want them to ripen too quickly. If you do want to speed up the ripening process, put them in the fruit bowl next to a banana instead.

5. Tomatoes The colder they get, the more of their natural taste they tend to lose. The best tasting tomatoes are those kept at room temperature.

Avocados are best kept in open brown bags if you don't want them to ripen too quickly
Garlic needs to be kept in a dry, ventilated area to last longer

Avocados are best kept in open brown bags if you don’t want them to ripen too quickly (left) while garlic needs to be kept in a dry, ventilated area to last longer (right)

6. Honey Literally the only food that never goes off, so there is absolutely no need for it to go anywhere except in the food cupboard.

7. Cake With the exception of those made with real cream, almost all others will last for just as long in an airtight container.

8. Melons Uncut, the fruits do not need to take up all that space on a fridge shelf. Once it’s been cut, wrap it in clingfilm and put it in the fridge – but not before.

9. Coffee Although some foodies insist on having it stored cold, coffee actually absorbs the smells of other foods around it in the fridge. Best kept in an airtight container instead.

Continue reading “Beware of These Food, Never Put Them Inside fridge.”

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